
important news

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Dr. Abdel Mohsen, current Vice President of Alexandria University, reviews the results of the University’s visits to Dr. Abdel Aziz Qansouh, President of the University of Alexandria University’s branch in Chad, through the Education and Student Affairs Council held on Monday, June 24, 2024. Unfortunately, given the new buildings in the Faculties of Agriculture and Medicine, Veterinarian branch, and 16 students from the Arabic Language Division, 23 students from the French Language Division at the College of Agriculture, 11 students from the Arabic Language Division, and eight students from the French Language Division at the College of Veterinary Medicine graduated this academic year.
Pointing to the strategic importance of the branch for Alexandria University and the Egyptian state to open new horizons with pioneering educational programs that serve Central and West Africa, praising the efforts made by the faculty members to provide distinguished educational services and contribute to graduating a generation capable of carrying out community service and competing in local, regional and international labor markets.
The representative stressed the necessity of continuing to support the “Mawaddah Program” for those about to get married, within the framework of the state’s interest in preserving the Egyptian family and the keenness of the Supreme Council for Educational and Student Affairs for the effective participation of universities in supporting this program and raising youth awareness in light of the rapid changes taking place in Egyptian society.
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Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen also pointed out the necessity of supporting employment centers at the university and linking them to the labor market through (the university’s Career Development Center), with the necessity of activating the electronic email for all students and activating the Unique ID, which includes tracking students during the educational stages and after graduation, in preparation for linking to the platform. Central Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research National Dashboard
Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen thanked the deans of the colleges for the regularity of the work of the examination and control committees and the completion of the work of correction, monitoring and review, in preparation for announcing the examination results to students as soon as possible.
 The representative stressed to the deputies of the colleges the necessity of encouraging faculty members and students to attend the university’s celebration of the June 30 anniversary, entitled (Unity of the Nation and Building the New Republic), which is held under the patronage of Dr. Abdul Aziz Qanswa, President of the University, and Dr. Diaa Rashwan, Head of the State Information Service, on Wednesday, June 26, in the Hall of conferences, Faculty of Nursing, Smouha.
 Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen congratulated Dr. Hanan Mohamed Morsi Al-Juwaili, on the occasion of the issuance of the republican decision appointing her as Dean of the College of Pharmacy, wishing her success.

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Dr. Abdelaziz Konswa, President of Alexandria University, announced that the evaluation of the Alexandria Engineering Journal, published by the international publishing house ELSEVIER, came within the top 5% of the list of globally indexed journals, and in the Q1 category, according to the evaluation of Journal Citation Reports, JCR- year 2023. The magazine is ranked 9/179 in the subspecialty “Engineering, Multidisciplinary” with an impact factor of 6.2, according to the Clarivate International Foundation announcement.
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Dr.Konswa noted that the magazine's Citescore, issued by Scopus International, rose from 9.1 in 2022 to 11.2 in 2023, which is the highest since the magazine's publication date.




Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Dr. Hanan Elgwily on the occasion of the issuance of the presidential decree appointing him as Dean of the Faculty of pharmacy, wishing her success and continuous efforts to raise the level of the Faculty, stressing that all support will be provided to he for her success in performing her mission.

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Within the framework of the Teacher Excellence Initiative at the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, and under the patronage of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Vice President of Alexandria University for student affairs , and Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Education, received a delegation from the Teacher Excellence Initiative (TEI), which included representatives from Florida State University, Arizona State University, and the American University in Beirut, in the presence of representatives of the Education Sector Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities.
Dr. Mohamed Anwar indicated that the Teacher Excellence Initiative (TEI) is a five-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Education Development Centre (EDC). He indicated that the project aims to qualify primary school teachers, provide pre-service and in-service teacher preparation programs, as well as develop teacher preparation programs in faculties of education at universities to comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Technical Education and the Education Development Strategy. Dr. Anwar said that the purpose of the visit is to follow up on the positive effects of the Teacher Excellence Initiative within the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, to follow up on the outcomes of the developed General Diploma in Education that was implemented in the academic year 2023/2024, to open and visit the exhibition of distinguished professional projects for students of the General Diploma for the three tracks, and to inspect the infrastructure of the faculty, especially with regard to laboratories, and to meet with faculty members, especially those who studied in the developed General Diploma program, as well as to meet students and discuss those projects with them.
As Dr. Anwar said that the visit included inspecting the various sections of the faculty library, including books for undergraduate and graduate students, the postgraduate studies department, the digital library department, and registration on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, as well as visiting the University Centre for General Professional Development and its role in preparing students of the Faculty of Education for the requirements of the labour market, explaining that such centres provide an additional link for Alexandria University with the Ministry of Education, as they provide training courses on employment skills, especially in private and international schools, which increases the ability of our students to compete in obtaining job opportunities. The delegation also visited the faculty laboratories and its measurement and evaluation unit, where they learned about the nature of electronic correction and the work of the unit, and the nature of statistical reports for correcting exam papers and reviewing some of them. The delegation also visited the STEM lab and the exhibition of professional projects submitted by students of the General Diploma in Advanced Education, batch of the academic year 2023/2024. The visitors expressed their pleasure to for visiting the Faculty of Education at Alexandria University, and their admiration for the achievements they witnessed in the Teacher Excellence Initiative. They also praised what was presented in the Professional Projects Exhibition through various activities such as interactive books based on teaching children a set of skills and enhancing their awareness, as well as activities based on enhancing thinking and awareness in addition to fine motor skills, as all these activities were accomplished during one semester.
On the sidelines of the visit, an interactive seminar was held inside the conference hall of the faculty, and discussed the experience of the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, in cooperation with civil society in Alexandria and the faculty's activities in the field of training teachers before and during service, and in implementing the faculty's annual career forum.

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Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, on behalf of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, received yesterday the delegation of the French University of Jean Moulin 3 to discuss ways of cooperation between the two sides in areas of common interest.
The delegation included Mr. Manuel Jobert, Vice President for Europe and International Francophone Relations, Ms. Hong Khanh Dang, Deputy Director of the International Institute of Francophonie for Research, and Ms. Alida Sahli, International Cooperation Officer for the Near and Middle East, North Africa and Francophonie. The meeting was attended by Dr. Hisham Saeed, Vice President of Alexandria University for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Students, Dr. Sameh Shehata, Supervisor of the International Relations Office at Alexandria University, Dr. Bushra Salem, Assistant President for University Classification, Dr. Naglaa Abou-Agag, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Reem Hafez, Head of the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts, and Dr. Mai Essam, Head of the Department of French Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts.
In his speech, Dr. Saeed Allam welcomed the delegation of Jean Moulin 3 University to Alexandria University, explaining that the meeting discussed the possibility of cooperation in the fields of environmental transformation, citizenship, cultural and linguistic pluralism, digital humanities, and the possibility of Alexandria University joining the International Alliance of French-speaking Universities, which was announced in June 2023, as member universities in this alliance will submit projects for cooperation in the previous fields and achieve multilateral scientific cooperation between researchers from French-speaking Mediterranean universities. He pointed out that this cooperation is expected to target university professors, researchers, graduate students, and sociologists.
Dr. Hisham Saeed reviewed the international agreements between Alexandria University and French universities, and the cooperation between Alexandria University and the universities of Aix-Marseille, Poitiers, Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Grenoble, in addition to the presence of a branch of Alexandria University in Chad to serve French-speaking countries (Francophone) in the African continent.
Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen pointed out that there are many departments specializing in the French language in several faculties within Alexandria University, and that it has partnerships with many French universities, stressing that there is a special program at the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, that is taught in French and attracts most students from Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire and many French-speaking African countries. Mr. Manuel Jobert expressed his pleasure with the cooperation with Alexandria University, especially since there is a historical and cultural dimension that links Egypt and France. Jobert also reviewed the objectives of the International Alliance of French-speaking Universities and its funding bodies, noting that this alliance aims to enhance and establish joint international projects at the level of French-speaking universities, expressing his aspiration for Alexandria University to join this alliance, especially since it is one of the oldest universities in the Middle East.
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