
important news

449317727 879389180894478 1096970491564956909 n



In commemoration of the June 30 Revolution, the Department of Military Education and the General Administration of Youth Welfare - Alexandria University, organized a series of student visits to a group of military institutions during the month of June, with the aim of enhancing understanding and introducing Egypt’s military history and its role in shaping the country’s future.
The tour included a visit to the Military Medical Complex in Maadi, the Military Museum in Cairo, and the Janaklis Air Base.
During the visit, the students learned about the role of the Military Medical Complex in Maadi in providing health care to soldiers and their families, in addition to the medical services it provides to civilians. The complex provided the students with an overview of the medical facilities and services available to the armed forces, and they visited a number of those injured in military operations, and the students saw a large collection of artifacts. And military documents and memorabilia in the Military Museum, which shed light on Egypt’s rich military history and its contributions to regional and global peacekeeping efforts. The students also learned about the role of the Ginacles Air Base in Alexandria, and the daily operations of the Egyptian Air Force. The students took a comprehensive tour inside the base, including its aircraft and radar systems. And command centers.
These visits provided the opportunity for students to communicate with members of the army, learn about the country’s military heritage, and the daily life of soldiers. The visits were welcomed and appreciated by the students, who praised the university’s efforts in promoting patriotism and pride in it.

 441509624 877887911044605 1112899589745014512 n



Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, witnessed Thursday evening the artistic show organized by the Alexandria University Forum under the title "Andalusia, a Postponed Spring", which was part of the activities of the Thirteenth Night of the Arabic Language Nights, and was held in the Great Hall of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
In his speech after the show ended, Dr. Konsowa praised the distinguished show, stressing that it was made with creativity and mastery in every detail of the work, and called on promising young people to preserve authenticity and creative art because these values represent the soft power to build the nation, stressing the university's full support for any work that highlights the values of high art.
While Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, expressed his pleasure with the return of interest in the Arabic language once again after it had recently suffered from attempts to obliterate it and the interest of some young people in speaking foreign languages and using foreign terms at the expense of our Arabic language, praising the distinguished show he watched.
Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President for Education and Student Affairs thanked Dr. Konsowa for his great support for student activities. He also thanked all those in charge of implementing this show and directing it from the Youth Care and the University Choir Team, the performers, show designers, and others.
The show was attended by a number of Arab consuls, former vice presidents of the university, a number of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, deans and vice deans of faculties, advisors to the university president, the Syndicate of Journalists in Alexandria, members of the Alexandria Rotary Club, heads of artistic unions, a number of symbols of creativity and art in Alexandria, faculty members, and university students.
The show included a historical narration of an important era in the history of Andalusia, in a dramatic framework that tells the story of the struggle between good and evil, in classical Arabic.
The ceremony was prepared and presented by Dr. Nagwa Saber, President of the University Forum for Poetry and Arts, the university choir was led by maestro Dr. Sherihan El-Heddini, dramaturgy by Dr. Mohamed Mekheimar, costume design by Amira Abdelshafi, choreography and movement design by artist Nasr El-Din Mohamed, assistant director Dr. Anas Nahla, and directing by Mr. Ahmed Samir.
 441509429 877890904377639 3024501020854481666 n
 441503110 877887981044598 4086069729049959556 n
 449302127 877888081044588 4134712715195452320 n
 449095292 877888127711250 2614564849113243065 n
 449017280 877888177711245 4723853802003972124 n
 448960024 877888271044569 4290758316089323591 n
 441542326 877888317711231 2698603444426041775 n
 444944904 877888361044560 4140537980141613270 n
 441513343 877888584377871 8589548621135739417 n
444468528 877889574377772 7018650170546836761 n
 448944870 877888471044549 4512868274835058600 n
 449101540 877888631044533 1968481649812746706 n
 449009765 877889437711119 3296028122506280396 n
 448944805 877890531044343 3463958577210960404 n

441524346 877320334434696 8478535446302235385 n



The Alexandria University Council, in its session held this morning, Thursday, 27 June 2024, headed by Dr. Saeed Allam, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, on behalf of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, congratulated Mr. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the great Egyptian people, on the occasion of the celebration of the eleventh anniversary of the glorious June 30 Revolution, during which the Egyptian people wrote a great national epic, and constituted a significant history in the lives of the great Egyptian people, as it restored Egypt’s prestige and put it on the right path to building the new republic, where millions of Egyptians created one of the most important revolutions in Egypt’s modern history, to restore the national identity and save it from the plan of disintegration and the politics of polarization.
*The Council also congratulated the deans and vice deans of the faculties and institutes of Alexandria University on successfully completing the second semester final exams, adhering to the controls for performing exams, and taking all necessary measures to create an ideal climate for students, and providing them with all means of comfort and support.
The Council also directed the deans to quickly announce the results after the grading process.
*The Council reviewed the results of the visit of the university delegation, headed by Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, to the Alexandria University branch in Chad, which included the inauguration of the buildings of the Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. The Council confirmed that there is a study to establish a medical center in N'Djamena, the capital of Chad, to provide health services to Chadians, and for this center to be the nucleus for establishing a faculty of Medicine at the Alexandria University branch in N'Djamena, within the framework of Alexandria University’s plan to enhance its development role and expansion on the African continent in line with the Egyptian State’s 2030 vision.
*The Council stressed the necessity of restricting public buildings at Alexandria University to be operated with solar energy, within the framework of Alexandria University’s plan to transform into a green, environmentally friendly university, as solar energy is clean and low-cost energy.
*The Council discussed the fire, civil defense, security and safety plan for the buildings and facilities of Alexandria University.
*The Council approved the student exchange agreement between Alexandria University and Tashkent State University for Oriental Studies in Uzbekistan.
*The Council approved the promotion of 6 faculty members to the position of professor, 14 to the position of associate professor, the appointment of 24 lecturers, and the granting of 69 doctoral degrees and 109 master’s degrees in various scientific disciplines.

 449309095 877320387768024 6476958766797764198 n

 444481957 877320427768020 5232874305976725824 n

 448943360 877320457768017 4792922368803352996 n

 448950139 877320584434671 462708330231246267 n

 441501967 877322024434527 1213360222924261126 n

 449203797 877322061101190 3857897049660814358 n

449101552 877322087767854 4468758501079716784 n

449259545 876461657853897 8639461011555760815 n



The Board of Trustees of Faculties and Institutes of Alexandria University, headed by Mr. Mohamed Abul-Nasr, Secretary-General of the University, discussed in its session held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the mechanisms for implementing the university's programs and performance budget, which aims to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending. Mr. Abul-Nasr stressed that Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of the University, pays great attention to this matter and that Dr. Konsowa has formed a committee to supervise the preparation of this budget to ensure its accurate implementation in a manner that achieves the state's strategic goals and enhances transparency, especially since it is one of the tools of economic reform to implement Egypt's Vision 2030.
449163221 876463287853734 2903119663825295765 n
 The Secretary-General of the University stressed to the trustees of faculties and institutes the need for good cooperation with the deans of faculties and institutes and to overcome any administrative obstacles that may arise in preparation for participating in the competition for the best environmentally friendly university.
 449161520 876462107853852 2934216413333697955 n
 The Council discussed ways of coordination between faculties, accounting units, and the General Administration of Purchasing and Warehouses to maximize the benefit from the resources available in the budget for the fiscal year 2024/2025.
 449230006 876477767852286 3815685392486990065 n
 The Council honoured Dr. Nancy Atef, Director of Shatby University Hospital for Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and thanked her for the efforts made during her tenure as Director of the University Students Hospital.

448946058 876477721185624 8139475375696831710 n

 448958714 876477741185622 5179241414032657346 n

 449159059 876463137853749 752530260890638006 n

 449155953 876462071187189 1494714958048242669 n

 449255201 876461984520531 1193153767949428977 n


1814bf56 1853 4e9e 8797 798621d00de5


The Alexandria University Graduate Studies and Research Council, which met this morning, Tuesday, June 25 2024, headed by Dr. Hesham Saeed, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, reviewed the start of implementing the cooperation agreement signed between Alexandria University and the University of East London, where Dr. Saeed confirmed that the implementation of joint cooperation will begin through the "Training and Sports Performance Program" at the Faculty of Physical Education, starting from the academic year 2025/2026. He noted that there will then be cooperation between the University of East London and the Faculties of Law, Science, Tourism and Hotels, the Higher Institute of Public Health, the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, and the Faculty of Economics and Political Science.
 The Council also discussed the topics of the Committee of Teaching Assistants and Assistant Professors, and the topics of the Faculty Affairs Department.
 The Council approved the cooperation agreement between Alexandria University and Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies in Uzbekistan.

056bc494 6264 4edb b6b1 90eeca327511

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 17afeacf 7e2a 4e00 93c3 35304d842a0e