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Under the slogan "Go Green", the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, organized a meeting to assess the performance and practical aspects of first year students (credit hours system), within the framework of the initiative launched by the Ministry of Environment to raise awareness of the importance of afforestation, waste recycling, and rationalization of food and energy consumption.
Dr. Mohamed Anwar, Dean of the Faculty, indicated that the Faculty of Education aims to change the wrong behaviour, spread environmental awareness, and urge students to participate in preserving the environment, explaining that the students presented practical activities for some courses under the title "Go Green", where each student actively participated in planting trees in the faculty courtyard. He added that the students actively took part in this initiative out of a sense of responsibility towards themselves, their faculty, their university, and the environment around them.
The event was supervised by Dr. Hassan Abdeen, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Salah Suleiman, the general coordinator of the Social Issues course. Members of “El Safwa” student fraternity led an awareness campaign to inform their fellow students of the importance of preserving the green environment.
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