
294631600 8603903002968346 3849174359364843972 n


Under the patronage of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the University Center for Career Development at the Faculty of Commerce organized a round table to discuss (the role of Egyptian universities in encouraging and empowering young entrepreneurs and spreading pioneering thought among young people), in the presence of Dr. El-Sayed El-Saifi, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, and Dr. Alaa El-Gharabawy, Vice Dean of the Faculty For Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, a large number of economic experts and representatives of companies interested in spreading the idea of ​​entrepreneurship, and officials from the Enterprise Development Agency, the Information Technology Institute (ITI) and the Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) of the Ministry of Communications.

294888397 8603900916301888 5940124768573473192 n



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